If you have concerns regarding your child’s:
Fine motor skills
Writing, cutting, zipping a zipper, moving small items in hand, buttoning a shirt, tying shoes, using hand strength
Sensory Processing
Engaging in messy play, inability to function in busy classroom environment, hitting or biting, easily overwhelmed, complaining that it is too noisy or too loud, easily distracted by sounds in environment, putting hands in mouth, touching people, overwhelmed
Sensory Regulation
Difficulty sitting for structured activity, need for movement, disruptive, inattentive, goes too fast, forceful, sensitive
Visual Motor Skills
Puzzles, drawing, coloring, building, writing within lines
Gross Motor Skills
Falling, tripping, unable to keep up with peers on the playground, unsafe
Motor Planning
Poor body awareness, difficulty with timing and sequencing activities, poor coordination
Social Skills
Lack of friends, poor eye contact, difficulty playing with peers, unaware of social cues, difficulty transitioning from one activity to another
Speech/Language Delay
- Appears frustrated with communication, speech is unintelligible or difficult to understand, does not respond consistently to questions or directions, limited